How Much Water Does Zoysiagrass Need?

closeup of zoysiagrass in a lawn

While Zoysiagrass is a hardy, warm-season grass that’s great with heat, it still requires hydration. How much water does Zoysiagrass need? About 1 to 1.5 inches per week (rainfall included) during its growing season.

Remember, it’s important to adjust your watering schedule based on factors like soil type, rainfall amounts, and season. For example, Zoysiagrass might need extra watering during hot spells to prevent dormancy. 

In this article, we’ll examine the specific watering needs of Zoysiagrass in different seasons and conditions. But if you’re considering starting a fresh lawn, check out our guide on growing Zoysiagrass. It includes its pros and cons, different species, and tips for establishment.

Watering Zoysiagrass During Dry Spells

During periods of intense heat or drought, Zoysiagrass has a unique ability to protect itself. It has a defensive mechanism where it turns itself a shade of brown and goes into dormant mode. In essence, it plays dead to survive harsh conditions.

But here’s the best part: Dormant Zoysiagrass will green up again once it receives adequate water from rainfall or irrigation.

Now, based on the watering regulations in your area, you have some options to choose from:

  1. Allow the Zoysiagrass to enter its semi-dormant mode. This method is ideal for environmental friendliness and water preservation. However, during extended dry spells, simply providing around one-quarter to half an inch of water weekly can be sufficient to keep it alive.
  2. Apply about one half to three-quarters of an inch of water per week when signs of moisture stress appear, like wilting leaves or a blue-gray color. This helps maintain green and healthy grass during dry spells. 
  3. If there’s no water shortage, increase the amount to 1.5 to 2 inches weekly during hot weather to keep your lawn actively growing. 

Note: Some states might enforce watering restrictions during extreme drought conditions. Always comply with your local rules and regulations regarding watering. 

Watering Zoysiagrass by Soil Type

a water hose spraying water in a green lawn
Photo Credit: Pexels

Take soil composition into account when determining how much water your Zoysiagrass needs. For instance, sandy soils absorb and lose moisture quickly, so they require more frequent watering. Aim for 1 inch to 1.5 inches weekly in two to three sessions, ensuring each session is around 0.5 inches.

On the other hand, clay-rich or loamy soil retains water better and thus only needs about an inch of water once every 5 to 7 days.

Note: Zoysiagrass operates best when the top 4 to 6 inches of soil is sufficiently moist. But here’s the catch – too much water can lead to shallow roots and create a favorable environment for fungi and disease.

Pro Tips:

  • Check your lawn’s dampness levels before turning on the sprinklers. If you can easily push down a screwdriver about 6 inches deep, then it probably doesn’t need any extra hydration.
  • Audit your irrigation system by placing tuna cans in each zone to check for proper coverage and adjust sprinkler heads as needed.
  • Consider installing a smart controller that adjusts irrigation based on local weather data.

Watering Zoysiagrass By Season

Closeup of Zoysiagrass
Photo Credit: Forest & Kim Starr / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 3.0

This perennial grass has unique watering needs throughout the year. Here’s how you need to adjust your water supply depending on the season:

Watering Zoysiagrass in Winter (November-February)

Status: Winter Dormant

Even if Zoysiagrass lies dormant and brown during the winter, it still requires moisture to stay healthy. Depending on how dry or rainy winter is in your area, the need for irrigation might be significantly reduced or even eliminated. 

Monitor the weather. If it doesn’t rain for 3 to 4 weeks, give the lawn 0.5 inches of water, especially before temperatures are forecasted to be close to or below freezing.


  • If you water when the temperatures are close to or below freezing, it may damage the roots.
  • The exact winter dormancy window might vary depending on your region and the specific weather conditions of the year. 

Watering Zoysiagrass in Late Spring (March-May)

Status: Transitioning Out of Dormancy

As the grass begins to green up, start watering more frequently. Shoot for about 1 inch per week from rainfall or a combination of rain and irrigation. During this transition period, the lawn must receive consistent hydration to promote healthy growth and prepare itself for the active growing season ahead.

However, remember not to overwater your grass either. Poor drainage can cause waterlogging, which in turn can inhibit root development and make your Zoysiagrass more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Watering Zoysiagrass in Summer (June-August)

Status: Actively Growing/ Summer Dormant (If Applicable)

The active growing season for Zoysiagrass is during the hot summer months. Continue to provide about 1 to 1.5 inches per week from irrigation or rainfall combined. Hydrate in one to two deep waterings whilst avoiding frequent shallow watering, which can lead to a shallow root system.

If drought occurs, Zoysiagrass may go dormant. To keep roots alive, reduce watering to a minimum of 0.25 to 0.50 inches per week.

Watering Zoysiagrass in Fall (September – October)

Status: Entering Dormancy

Fall marks the transition period when your Zoysiagrass will begin to go dormant ahead of winter. In this period, continue providing 1 inch of water per week until the grass changes color and enters dormancy or if rainfall is sufficient.

Note: As temperatures cool, you might need to adjust watering days or amounts based on the rainfall frequency.

Signs It’s Time to Water Zoysiagrass 

Patchy grass, lawn in bad condition and needing maintenance
Photo Credit: singjai / Adobe Stock / License

Instead of following a rigid schedule, water Zoysiagrass on an “as-needed” basis to reduce the risk of disease and promote healthier roots. 

Here are some tell-tale signs to determine whether or not it’s time for a good soak:

  • Wilting: Droopy grass blades that don’t spring back up after stepping on them are an excellent indicator that your lawn may be thirsty.
  • Color Fade: Zoysiagrass turns from green to pale, almost blue-gray when it’s short of hydration. If you notice areas of discoloration, time to turn the sprinklers on.
  • Footprints: Healthy grass should bounce back quickly after being stepped on; tired and thirsty Zoysiagrass takes longer to recover and leaves prominent footprints.

Pro Tip: Water your lawn early morning, between 4 am and 8 am. This allows the grass to dry before nightfall, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. 

FAQ About Zoysiagrass Watering Needs

Does Zoysiagrass need more water than Bermuda?

While both Zoysiagrass and bermudagrass are warm-season species that handle drought well, generally, bermudagrass requires slightly more watering per week than Zoysiagrass. However, conditions such as soil type, sun exposure, and temperature affect the exact amount of water needed by each.

Which Zoysia is most drought tolerant?

Among different varieties of Zoysiagrass, Zenith, and El Toro are considered to have better drought tolerance. They can remain green for longer periods under dry conditions.

Where does Zoysiagrass grow best?

Zoysiagrass thrives best in full sunlight areas and tolerates moderate shade. It grows well in a wide variety of soils, from sandy to clay or loamy. While Zoysiagrass is versatile, it flourishes particularly in warm-climate regions such as the Southern United States and transition areas where temperatures range from 80 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

Pro Help for Your Zoysiagrass Needs

Zoysiagrass is a drought-tolerant turf that requires about 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week to thrive, including rainfall. By watering deeply and infrequently on an as-needed basis, you can maintain a healthy, resilient Zoysiagrass lawn while conserving water resources.

Remember, mowing at the right height also contributes immensely to maintaining a healthy, green lawn. Trust your instincts, but remember, help is available if things get overwhelming. Hire a local lawn care pro who can tailor a mowing schedule to match your climate conditions and the specific needs of your Zoysiagrass lawn. 

Main Image Credit: Forest & Kim Starr / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 3.0

Luminita Toma

Luminita Toma

Luminita Toma is a nature-loving writer who simply adores pretty flowers and lawns. After plenty of research and writing on lawn care and gardening, she has a keen eye for plants and their maintenance. When she has some spare time, there's nothing she enjoys more than chilling with her friends, hitting the theatre, or traveling.