7 Best Weed and Feed Products of 2025 [Reviews]

green lawn seeding spreader with text overlay on it

Weed and feeds are handy because they fertilize and control weeds with a single product. However, not all weed and feeds are created equal. So, we researched products at America’s largest lawn and garden retailers — Home Depot, Lowe’s, Amazon, and Walmart. After careful analysis, we found the best weed and feed products you can buy right now, and this article provides a detailed review of each one. 

Our Top Picks

7 Best Weed and Feed Products:
1. Best overall: Preen One LawnCare Weed & Feed 
2. Best long-lasting: BioAdvanced 5-in-1 Weed & Feed
3. Best for spring: GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer + Crabgrass Preventer 
4. Best crabgrass control: Jonathan Green VeriI-Green Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass Preventer
5. Best organic: Purely Organic Weed and Feed 
6. Best easy-to-apply: Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control Fertilizer
7. Best for new grass: Scotts Turf Builder Triple-Action Built for Seeding (21-22-4)

Top 7 Weed and Feed Products – Reviews

1. Preen One LawnCare Weed & Feed – Best Overall

Best Overall Preen One LawnCare Weed & Feed

Preen One LawnCare Weed & Feed

Our All-Season Weed & Feed Kills Crabgrass, Dandelions, and More. Nourish Your Lawn for Up to Eight Weeks with a Zero-Phosphorus Formula. Not for Use on Certain Grass Types.

If you want to use one product to nourish your lawn, kill the toughest broadleaf weeds, and control crabgrass, consider Preen One LawnCare Weed & Feed. Preen’s been a trusted manufacturer of lawn and garden products since 1947, so it’s no surprise that their weed and feed made our list.

Its unique formula provides long-lasting results that include:

  • Blocking crabgrass all season long, up to 4 weeks after germination
  • Killing over 250 lawn weeds
  • Feeding your lawn a nitrogen-rich diet for up to 8 weeks
  • Strengthening grass’s immune system 

It’s a practical solution by one of the industry’s most trusted brands and our overall favorite weed and feed product. 


  • Coverage: 5,000 sq. ft.
  • Consistency: Granular
  • Herbicides: 2,4-D, 2-ethylhexyl ester; mecoprop-p; dicamba; dithiopyr
  • Herbicide types: Pre- and post-emergent, contact and systemic
  • NPK ratio: 24-0-6
  • Package size: 18 lb.
  • Weeds treated: Over 250 common weeds including chickweed, clover, crabgrass, dandelion, and dollarweed.

Where to Use

Recommended grass types:

  • Bahiagrass
  • Bermuda
  • Buffalograss
  • Centipede
  • Fine fescue
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Perennial ryegrass
  • Tall fescue
  • Zoysia

DO NOT use on:

  • Carpetgrass
  • Colonial bentgrass
  • Dichondra
  • St. Augustine

Lawn Maturity

Established lawns
Freshly planted grass✗ 
Newly seeded grass✗ 

When to Use

Summer✓ (only early summer)
Fall✓ (only early fall)
Daytime air temperature50 – 80º F

Pros and Cons

What we liked What we didn’t like
✓ Kills most common weeds
✓ Blocks crabgrass all season
✓ Nourishes lawns
✓ Trusted American brand
✗ Contains many harsh chemicals
✗ Takes more than one application to treat clover

2. BioAdvanced 5-in-1 Weed & Feed – Best Long-Lasting Formula

Best Long-Lasting Formula BioAdvanced 5-in-1 Weed & Feed

BioAdvanced 5-in-1 Weed & Feed

Say Goodbye to Tough Weeds and Hello to a Greener Lawn. Kills Over 200 Types of Weeds, Prevents Crabgrass, and Provides 6 Months of Weed Control. The Perfect Solution for a Healthier Yard.

If you want a weed-free, lush lawn all season long, try BioAdvanced 5-in-1 Weed & Feed. It’s a comprehensive lawn care solution that:

  • Greens up the grass for up to 3 months
  • Kills over 200 weeds, including large crabgrass
  • Creates a protective barrier that prevents weeds (including crabgrass) for up to 6 months.

Its five active ingredients provide fast results that continue working throughout the season. However, it’s only safe for some grasses. Ensure it’s okay for your turf type before buying it.


  • Coverage: 10,000 sq. ft.
  • Consistency: Granular
  • Herbicides: 2,4-D, Quinclorac, Dicamba, Dithiopyr, Corn Gluten Meal
  • Herbicide types: Pre- and post-emergent, contact and systemic
  • NPK ratio: 22-0-4
  • Package size: 24 lb.
  • Weeds treated: Over 200 broadleaf and grassy weeds, including chickweed, clover, crabgrass, dandelion, goosegrass, sprangletop, and wild onion

Where to Use

Recommended Grass types:

  • Bermuda
  • Buffalograss
  • Fescue
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Perennial Ryegrass
  • Seashore paspalum

DO NOT use on:

  • Bahiagrass 
  • Bentgrass
  • Carpetgrass
  • Centipede
  • St. Augustine
  • Zoysia
  • Any grass type that’s not recommended, just to be safe

Lawn Maturity

Established lawns✓ 
Freshly planted grass✗ 
Newly seeded grass✗ 

When to Use

Daytime air temperature50 – 90°F

Pros and Cons

What we liked What we didn’t like
✓ Prevents weeds for up to 6 months
✓ Targets most common weeds
✓ Works before and after weeds sprout
✓ Feeds grass a nitrogen-rich diet
✗ Not safe for many grass types
✗ Contains many chemicals

3. GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer + Crabgrass Preventer – Best Spring Weed and Feed

Best Spring Weed and Feed GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer + Crabgrass Preventer

GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer + Crabgrass Preventer

1 Application, 3 Treatments. Kills 200+ Tough Weeds, Feeds Lawns, Blocks Crabgrass for 12 Weeks. Covers 5,000 sq ft. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

If you’re looking for a springtime weed and feed, consider GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer + Crabgrass Preventer. It contains four herbicides and an extended-release nitrogen fertilizer. As a result, it helps spring lawns in the following ways:

  • Strengthens grass’s immunity to diseases
  • Prevents broadleaf weeds (plus crabgrass) for up to 4 months
  • Kills crabgrass up to 4 weeks after it sprouts
  • Greens up grass for up to 12 weeks

GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer + Crabgrass Preventer is our favorite all-in-one spring solution. 


  • Coverage: 10,000 sq. ft. 
  • Consistency: Granular
  • Herbicides: 2,4-D, mecoprop-p, dicamba, dithiopyr
  • Herbicide types: Pre- and post-emergent
  • NPK ratio: 24-0-6
  • Package size: 36 lb.
  • Weeds treated: Over 200 lawn weeds, including crabgrass, dandelion, foxtail, goosegrass, ground ivy, henbit, poison ivy, poison oak, prickly lettuce, and spotted spurge

Where to Use

Recommended Grass types:

  • Bermuda
  • Centipede
  • Fine fescue
  • Perennial ryegrass
  • Tall fescue
  • Zoysia

DO NOT use on:

  • Carpetgrass
  • Colonial bentgrass
  • Dichondra
  • Seashore paspalum
  • St. Augustine

Lawn Maturity

Established lawns✓ 
Freshly planted grass✗ 
Newly seeded grass✗ 

When to Use

Soil temperatureConsistently at least 55°F 

Pros and Cons

What we liked What we didn’t like
✓ Targets many weeds
✓ Improves grass’s immune system
✓ Feeds grass for up to 12 weeks
✓ Controls crabgrass before and after germination
✓ Great for spring 
✗ Contains many chemicals
✗ Not safe for some grass types

4. Jonathan Green Veri-Green Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass Preventer – Best Crabgrass Control

Best Crabgrass Control Jonathan Green Veri-Green Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass Preventer

Jonathan Green Veri-Green Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass Preventer

5,000 sq ft of Crabgrass Control Herbicide: Controls crabgrass before and after germination, with application flexibility up to 4 weeks later than others.

Jonathan Green’s Veri-Green Lawn Food with Crabgrass Preventer is a non-staining and odorless solution applied in the spring or early fall. It’s our favorite crabgrass solution, and it helps lawns by:

  • Preventing over 45 grassy and broadleaf weeds
  • Killing crabgrass up to 4 weeks after it sprouts
  • Feeding lawns a nitrogen-rich diet for up to 3 months

It’s not just effective; it’s also safe for most grass types. In fact, it’s one of the few crabgrass control products recommended for St. Augustine and carpetgrass lawns. 


  • Coverage: 5,000 sq. ft.
  • Consistency: Granular
  • Herbicides: Dithiopyr
  • Herbicide types: Pre-emergent, post-emergent for crabgrass only
  • NPK ratio: 20-0-3
  • Package size: 16 lb.
  • Weeds treated: Over 45 grassy and broadleaf leaf weeds including chickweed, crabgrass, dallisgrass, henbit, and oxalis.

Where to Use

Recommended grass types:

  • Bahiagrass
  • Bermudagrass
  • Buffalograss
  • Carpetgrass
  • Centipede
  • Creeping bentgrass
  • Fine fescue
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Perennial ryegrass
  • St. Augustine
  • Tall fescue
  • Zoysia

DO NOT use on:

  • Any grass type that’s not recommended 

Lawn Maturity

Established lawns✓ 
Freshly planted grass✗ 
Newly seeded grass✗ 

When to Use

Fall✓ (early fall only)
Daytime air temperature50 – 75°F 

Pros and Cons

What we liked What we didn’t like
✓ Excellent crabgrass control
✓ Nitrogen-rich fertilizer
✓ Safe for most turfgrasses
✓ Non-staining
✓ Odorless
✗ Doesn’t target as many weeds as some competing products

5. Purely Organic Weed and Feed – Best Organic Option

Purely Organic Weed and Feed

Purely Organic Weed and Feed

Weed & Feed Lawn Food: Natural Ingredients for a Healthy Lawn. Control Broadleaf Weeds and Promote Lush Green Grass with this 15-Pound Bag Covering 3,000 Sq. Ft.

Try Purely Organic Weed and Feed if you want to use weed and feed but don’t like harsh chemicals. It gently controls broadleaf weeds, gradually eradicating them over 30 – 45 days. In addition, it feeds lawns for up to 8 weeks, and you can use it any season when weeds grow. 

The benefits of using an organic weed and feed include:

  • Safe for children
  • Safe for pets
  • No fertilizer burn
  • Better for the soil

After extensive research, we found Purely Organic Weed and Feed to be the best organic option. It contains plant-based ingredients (including corn gluten meal) and botanical oils that nourish lawns and eliminate weeds without harming the environment. 


  • Coverage: 3,000 sq. ft.
  • Consistency: Granular
  • Herbicides: Clove oil, Eugenol, Corn gluten meal
  • Herbicide types: Post-Emergent, contact and systemic
  • NPK ratio: 10-0-2
  • Package size: 15 lb.
  • Weeds treated: Broadleaf weeds, including clover, dandelion, dollarweed, henbit, purslane, spotted spurge, ragweed

Where to Use

Recommended grass types:

  • Bentgrass
  • Bermuda
  • Carpetgrass
  • Centipede
  • Fine fescue
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Perennial ryegrass
  • St. Augustine
  • Tall fescue
  • Zoysia

Lawn Maturity

Established lawns✓ 
Freshly planted grass
Newly seeded grass

When to Use

Daytime air temperature60 – 90º F

Pros and Cons

What we liked What we didn’t like
✓ Organic
✓ Safe for children and pets
✓ Doesn’t burn the grass
✓ Doesn’t kill neighboring plants
✓ No unpleasant odor
✗ Takes longer to work than chemicals
✗ Expensive
✗ Doesn’t control crabgrass

6. Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control Fertilizer – Best Easy-to-Apply Solution

Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control Fertilizer

Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control Fertilizer

Kill Weeds and Nourish Your Lawn with One Spray. Control Broadleaf Weeds and Boost Nitrogen on Multiple Grass Types. Easy Garden Hose Application.

Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control is super simple to apply. Just connect the bottle to a garden hose, turn the hose on, and spray. It’s an excellent option for homeowners who are short on time but still want a lush, weed-free lawn. 

Its effective formula helps lawns by:

  • Giving grass a quick burst of nitrogen for fast green-up
  • Killing many common broadleaf weeds
  • Allowing you to water your lawn while applying the weed and feed
  • Containing potassium to improve grass’s immunity to weather, pests, and diseases

It’s the most effective solution for homeowners looking for an easy-to-apply weed and feed that doesn’t require mixing or additional equipment.


  • Coverage: 6,000 sq. ft.
  • Consistency: Liquid
  • Herbicides: 2,4-D; Mecoprop-P; Dichlorprop-p
  • Herbicide types: Post-emergent
  • NPK ratio: 25-0-2
  • Package size: 32 oz.
  • Weeds treated: Common lawn weeds, including buckhorn, clover, chickweed, dandelion, ground ivy, henbit, plantain, poison ivy, oxalis, ragweed, spurge

Where to Use

Recommended grass types:

  • Bahiagrass
  • Common Bermuda
  • Centipede
  • Fescues
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Ryegrass
  • Zoysia

DO NOT use on:

  • Buffalograss
  • Dichondra
  • Lippia
  • St. Augustinegrass 

Lawn Maturity

Established lawns✓ 
Freshly planted grass✗ 
Newly seeded grass✗ 

When to Use

Daytime air temperature65 – 85º F

Pros and Cons

What we liked What we didn’t like
✓ Easy to use
✓ Effective against many weeds
✓ Fast green-up
✓ Water, feed, and treat weeds in one simple step
✗ Overuse may cause fertilizer burn

7. Scotts Turf Builder Triple-Action Built for Seeding – Best For New Grass

Scotts Turf Builder Triple-Action Built for Seeding

Scotts Turf Builder Triple-Action Built for Seeding

The Ultimate Grass Kickstarter and Weed Preventer. Jumpstart Your Grass and Stop Weeds with This Specially Designed Fertilizer.

Consider Scotts Turf Builder Triple-Action Built for Seeding if you want a weed and feed for recently seeded, overseeded, or planted cool-season (or centipede) grass. Scotts Turf Builder weed and feeds provide extensive weed control and balanced nutrition. 

This product’s special formula is remarkably beneficial to new grass for the following reasons:

  • Helps fresh grass develop strong and healthy roots
  • Blocks dandelion and crabgrass for up to 6 weeks
  • Inspires thick green growth
  • Doesn’t harm new grass (for recommended grass types only)
  • Prevents nutsedge and most other typical lawn weeds

It’s an excellent product that allows new grass to grow strong and weed-free. 


  • Coverage: 4,000 sq. ft.
  • Consistency: Granular
  • Herbicides: Mesotrione
  • Herbicide types: Pre-emergent
  • NPK ratio: 21-22-4
  • Package size: 17.2 lb.
  • Weeds treated: Broadleaf and grassy weeds including chickweed, clover, crabgrass, dandelion, ground ivy, henbit, nutsedge

Where to Use

Recommended grass types:

  • Centipede
  • Fine Fescue (Creeping Red, Chewings, Hard)
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Perennial ryegrass
  • Tall fescue

DO NOT use on:

  • Bahia
  • Bentgrass
  • Bermuda
  • Dichondra
  • Lippia
  • Kikuyugrass
  • St. Augustine
  • Zoysia
  • Any grass type that’s not recommended 

Lawn Maturity

Established lawns✗ 
Freshly planted grass
Newly seeded grass

When to Use

Daytime air temperature60 – 90 °F

Pros and Cons

What we liked What we didn’t like
✓ Can be used during any growing season
✓ Helps new grass grow strong, extensive roots
✓ Improves new grass’s color and density
✓ Prevents most common lawn weeds
✗ Only safe for a few grass types
✗ Some states ban products containing phosphorus 
✗ Excessive phosphorus can contaminate runoff water and kill aquatic life

Buyer’s Guide to Weed and Feed

Weed and feed products are all-in-one solutions that contain herbicides and fertilizer. As a result, you can green up your lawn and eradicate weeds with one lawn care product. However, before purchasing weed and feed, please consider the following:


Like all life forms, grass needs nutrients. Proper lawn food encourages healthy green lawns that are free from weeds and diseases. When selecting weed and feeds, ensure you pick one with the right fertilizer for your grass

Soil Test

The only way to know what nutrients your lawn lacks is to do a soil test. The soil report will reveal your grass’s pH, nutrients, and organic matter levels. Whatever’s missing should be added via soil amendments, such as fertilizer. You can purchase a DIY soil test or contact your local Cooperative Extension office for more in-depth test results. 


The essential nutrients grass needs are known as NPK:

  • Nitrogen (N) encourages thick green growth.
  • Phosphorus (P) promotes healthy root growth, so newly planted grass needs more than established lawns. 

In addition to NPK, lawns need small amounts of micronutrients such as iron, manganese, and copper. 

Types of Grass

The best lawn fertilizer depends on your grass type. For example, the best fertilizer for Bermudagrass is different from the best fertilizer for St. Augustinegrass. Some things to consider include:

  • Nutritional needs: Each grass type has unique dietary needs. For example, centipedegrass typically does best with a 15-0-15 NPK ratio, while fescues usually require a 3-1-2 slow-release formula.
  • Maturity: Established lawns need a lot of nitrogen but only a little phosphorus. In contrast, newly seeded or planted grass typically needs about as much phosphorus as nitrogen. 

Weed Control

To eliminate stubborn weeds in your grass, weed and feeds contain selective herbicides. There are different types of weed killers, and weed and feed products may include one or more of the following:

  • Contact herbicides were the first type of weed killers sold. They only kill what they touch and don’t spread throughout the plant. They work quickly but are only effective for a short period.
  • Systemic herbicides spread throughout the plant. It may take longer to see results with systemic weed killers, but they continue working longer than contact herbicides. 

It’s essential to use the right herbicide for your grass type. Southern homeowners should be particularly mindful of herbicides targeting grassy weeds because many also harm coarse, warm-season grasses. Northern lawns with bentgrass are also very susceptible to herbicide damage. Read the weed and feed label to ensure it’s appropriate for your lawn. 

Environmental Impact

Eco-conscious buyers should consider the following:

  • Chemical products: Weed and feeds often contain chemicals that deteriorate the soil’s health over time. These chemicals can also be hazardous to wildlife through runoff water that joins rivers, oceans, and streams.
  • Organic options: Organic products are much more eco-friendly,and they help sustain soil health in the long run. There are several organic weed killers and organic lawn fertilizers you can make for yourself at home or buy at the store. 
  • Phosphorus fertilizers: Most soil contains enough phosphorus for established lawns, and too much of it can contaminate runoff water, harming aquatic life. Because of this, many states have banned fertilizers that contain phosphorus. 


Weed and feeds come in granules and liquids. Granular products are applied using a fertilizer spreader, and liquids are applied with a sprayer. Some liquid weed and feeds come ready to use in a spray bottle that connects to a garden hose.  


Most weed and feeds cost $15 to $85 and cover 1,250 to 15,000 square feet of lawn. 

Average cost$50
Typical price range$15 – $85
Typical cost / square foot$0.01 –  $0.04

FAQ About Weed and Feed

1. When’s the best time to apply weed and feed?

The best time to apply weed and feed is in spring after the second mow. Many weed and feeds also work great when applied in the fall.

2. Is weed and feed bad for my lawn?

If appropriately used, weed and feed isn’t bad for your lawn, but using it too frequently can deteriorate your soil and harm your grass. It’s also important to read the label and properly follow the instructions. Make sure the product you use is recommended for the current season and your type of grass. 

3. What’s the best weed and feed for my grass type?

The best weed and feed for your lawn depends on your grass type:

  • Bahiagrass: Preen One LawnCare Weed & Feed, Jonathan Green Veri-Green Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass Preventer, Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control Fertilizer
  • Bentgrass: Purely Organic Weed and Feed, The Andersons Professional Surge
  • Bermudagrass: BioAdvanced 5-in-1 Weed & Feed, GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer + Crabgrass Preventer, Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control Fertilizer, Preen One LawnCare Weed & Feed, Jonathan Green Veri-Green Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass Preventer
  • Buffalograss: BioAdvanced 5-in-1 Weed & Feed, GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer + Crabgrass Preventer, Jonathan Green Veri-Green Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass Preventer
  • Centipedegrass: GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer + Crabgrass Preventer, Ferti-Lome Centipede Weed and Feed 15-0-15, Purely Organic Weed and Feed, Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control Fertilizer, Preen One LawnCare Weed & Feed, Scotts Turf Builder Triple-Action Built for Seeding, Jonathan Green Veri-Green Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass Preventer
  • Fescue: BioAdvanced 5-in-1 Weed & Feed, GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer + Crabgrass Preventer, Purely Organic Weed and Feed, Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control Fertilizer, Preen One LawnCare Weed & Feed, Scotts Turf Builder Triple-Action Built for Seeding, Jonathan Green Veri-Green Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass Preventer
  • Kentucky bluegrass: Preen One LawnCare Weed & Feed, BioAdvanced 5-in-1 Weed & Feed, Purely Organic Weed and Feed, Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control Fertilizer, Scotts Turf Builder Triple-Action Built for Seeding, Jonathan Green Veri-Green Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass Preventer
  • Perennial ryegrass: Preen One LawnCare Weed & Feed, BioAdvanced 5-in-1 Weed & Feed, Purely Organic Weed and Feed, Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control Fertilizer, Scotts Turf Builder Triple-Action Built for Seeding, Jonathan Green Veri-Green Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass Preventer
  • St. Augustinegrass: Jonathan Green Veri-Green Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass Preventer, BioAdvanced 3-in-1 Weed and Feed for Southern Lawns, The Andersons Professional Surge, Purely Organic Weed and Feed 
  • Zoysiagrass: Preen One LawnCare Weed & Feed, Hi-Yield Weed and Feed 15-0-10, BioAdvanced 5-in-1 Weed & Feed, GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer + Crabgrass Preventer, Purely Organic Weed and Feed, Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control Fertilizer

4. What are the best lawn herbicides?

The best pre-emergent herbicides include Quali-Pro Prodiamine 65WDG and The Andersons 0.48% Barricade. The best post-emergent herbicides include Ortho Weed B Gon Plus Crabgrass Control and Southern Ag 2,4-D Amine.

5. How do I get rid of lawn fungus?

Several fungicides treat common lawn diseases. The best lawn fungicides include Gravex 20 EW and Atticus Artavia 2SC. The best organic fungicide is Earth’s Ally Disease Control.

It’s also important to properly care for your lawn. Doing so strengthens the grass’s immune system and prevents excess moisture. So, ensure you do the following:

  • Water the lawn properly in the early morning and only when the grass needs it.
  • Mow your lawn the right way every 1 or 2 weeks during the growing season and at the correct height for your grass type. 
  • Improve soil drainage with lawn aeration and dethatching.
  • Keep your grass clean and free of debris.
  • Clean your lawn care tools after using them. 
  • Do a soil test to ensure proper lawn fertilization.

When to Call a Lawn Care Pro

Weed and feed is a simple solution for fertilizing the grass and controlling lawn weeds. However, there may be a better solution for your turf. LawnStarter connects you with local lawn treatment pros who are experienced and insured. With the click of a mouse, you gain access to experts who can fertilize your lawn and keep it weed-free. 

If you’re concerned about cost, rest assured. A quote is 100% free, and quality lawn service is probably cheaper than you think. LawnStarter can connect you with qualified pros for over 30 outdoor services, including lawn mowing, landscaping, and yard clean-ups. 

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Michelle Selzer

Michelle Selzer

Michelle Selzer is a witty writer with a passion for plants and outdoor power tools. When she's not out in the yard, Michelle enjoys fishing, hunting, and chasing waterfalls.