Spring Lawn Care Tips for Bakersfield, CA

Bakersfield, CA has warm summers and mild winters, so you can expect your lawn to grow year-round. However, spring is still a time of revitalization for southern California. Here are some spring lawn care tips and what you should do to your lawn in Bakersfield this spring.

Control Weeds

Spring is that time to stop annual weeds from overtaking your lawn before it starts. You will want to use a pre-emergent herbicide to stop their growth in its tracks. It is best, with warm-season grass types, to start using a pre-emergent from mid-February until early March for the best results.


Warm season grass types thrive when you plant them in late spring to early summer. The warm temperatures help them germinate faster. Spring is a great time to either lay grass seed for a new lawn or overseed. Overseeding is simply filling in dead patches throughout your lawn.

First, rake the lawn to remove any of the dead grass from the spots you want to overseed. Then, evenly spread the grass seed and water thoroughly. Spread straw over top to prevent birds and winer from removing the seeds.

Mow Often

Grass starts to grow more aggressively in late spring. This is the time to start mowing the grass more often. Mowing correctly rewards you with a healthy, beautiful lawn. Here are some quick mowing tips for optimal results.

Adjust your mower’s height according to the season. During the springtime, you want to mow short because it discourages diseases and helps you to eliminate the growth of weeds as you try to suppress them.

Always sharpen your mower blade. Have you tried to cut paper with dull scissors? It shreds the paper and doesn’t create a clean cut. Dull mower blades do the same thing. Dull blades shred your grass, which will cause it to turn brown.

Alternate your mowing pattern. It’s easy to get into a habit, especially with someone mindless like mowing. However, going over the same pattern each time will cause the grass to bend in that direction. So, change your mowing pattern often.

Never remove more than ⅓ of the grass blade at a time. This rule is the “golden” rule of mowing. Cutting your grass too short is called scalping and it removes too much of the green, food-producing cells necessary for healthy growth.

Remove Thatch

Thatch is a layer of old, dead grass stems that stops air and water from getting into your lawn’s root system. Lawn growth starts to increase throughout spring and early summer, so it’s the best time to remove it before the grass starts to grow faster.

Try to Aerate

When thatch builds up, there is a good chance your soil is compacted as well. Compacted soil is a problem, and it happens overtime from heavy foot traffic. If you have pets and kids playing in the yard, chances are your soil is compacted.

When soil compacts, air, sunlight, and water aren’t able to penetrate and reach your root system. You have a higher chance that your lawn won’t grow well. Core aeration works well to help compaction by creating small holes in the soil helping nutrients enter.

You can either purchase an aerator, rent one from a lawn care service, or hire a lawn care professional to aerate your lawn. Core aeration is one of the top services requested by homeowners.


Warm season grasses do best when temperatures are higher than 80 degrees F. That typically happens around April or early May. Fertilizing gives your grass a boost of nutrients and vitamins before the main growth season begins. The primary nutrients required for plant and grass growth are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

It is important that you follow the instructions on the fertilizer package instructions. Some packages may advise you to continue a feeding schedule throughout the summer. Others might recommend that you only do one or two applications. Make sure you look at their specific weather recommendations to ensure it is the proper timing to fertilize your lawn.

Remove Grubs

If your grass is turning brown, grubs might be to blame. Grubs feed on the root system of lawn grasses, and it causes severe damage if you leave it untreated.

It’s easy to miss grub activity because it’s all under the soil. Their infestation happens slowly, as they continue to live and feed in the soil. However, if you notice small brown patches developing, grubs may be to blame. Simply pull back your turf. If it comes up easily, like new sod, and you find white grubs in the top inch or so of the soil, you have a grub infestation.

Grubs won’t go away on their own, you need to treat it before the damage spreads. You can call a professional to stop the problem in its tracks, or try some home DIY grub removal steps.

Taking care of your lawn this spring in Bakersfield isn’t complicated. Your goal is to prepare it for the summer months ahead with higher temperatures. If you want your grass to survive all year round, proper maintenance is essential. Follow these tips, and your grass will be the envy of the neighborhood.

Need help preparing your lawn? Visit our Bakersfield lawn care page to get in touch with a professional! In addition to Bakersfield, we provide lawn care services in other California cities, including Los Angeles, Sacramento, and Riverside.

Featured image source: Zillow Bakersfield