Winter Lawn Care Tips for Pensacola, FL

Winter may not be your favorite time of the year, but your Pensacola lawn enjoys the growing break it receives in the winter. Many homeowners find it’s harder to keep your grass healthy during the winter than the summer. Be prepared because a cold snap can cause a lot of damage to your lawn.

In the winter, your turfgrass is entering its dormant stage, which is a natural part of its lifecycle. It’s not a good idea to force your grass to be green throughout all four seasons. Dormancy is a vital part of how your grass will survive in the winter and bounce back in the spring.

Here are some easy winter lawn care tips to have a luscious Pensacola, FL yard.

1. Reduce Foot Traffic

A dormant winter lawn is more vulnerable than it is during the warmer months when it is growing and eating often. To protect your grass, try to minimize the amount of foot traffic that it receives over the winter. That might be difficult if you have pets and kids, but try to keep their activity to your backyard to allow at least some of your lawn to rest.

2. Water The Lawn

Grass doesn’t need as much water in December and January as it does throughout July and August. However, it still does need moisture, even if your grass is currently dormant. In the wintertime, you only need to water your lawn every 1-2 weeks.

It is essential to pay attention to how much rain you receive. It is easy to overwater in the winter. If you have any rain, push back your watering plans. Pensacola lawns require about a ¾ inch of water to rewet the top 8 to 12 inches of the root zone.

To determine how long you need to water your lawn, you can set out cans where your sprinklers or irrigation system sprays water. Observe how long it takes to get ½ to ¾ inch of water in the can. This will let you know how long to leave your irrigation system running.

3. Watch for Winter Lawn Diseases

Dormant lawns are very vulnerable, so you have to keep an eye out for common, winter lawn diseases that can affect or kill your grass. The most common diseases are: - Pythium Blight - Harmful Nematodes - Brown Patch - Large Patch

If you keep your eye out for any signs of problems, you can identify the disease when compared to normal, dormant turfgrass. Once identified, you will be able to take care of the problem quickly so it doesn’t cause severe damage.

4. Overseed The Bare Spots

If you want a lush, green lawn, overseeding in the winter is a great idea. Overseeding is a winter lawn care task that involves planting a substitute grass to grow a green lawn throughout winter. Many homeowners prefer ryegrass for winter overseeding because it has the fastest germination and is relatively cheap. The best time to sow ryegrass is when the daytime highs are in the low to mid-70s.

To overseed, the first thing you have to do is remove all the debris and dead grass by raking the spots. Make sure you mow the lawn before you overseed. Spread the seed evenly over the bare spots and water well. You have to water frequently until the seed germinates. Of course, a winter lawn requires watering, mowing, and fertilizing.

5. Weed Control

A vigorous turf is the best approach to weed control. Typically, using the proper mowing height, fertilizing, and water helps to encourage a healthy lawn. If a herbicide is needed, applying a pre-emergence herbicide in late winter will help kick the problem. The best time to apply a pre-emergent herbicide in northern Florida is in early March or late February.

Your warm-season grass will likely go dormant as Pensacola enters winter. Winter means less frequent mowing of your lawn, but you should still pay attention to your grass throughout cooler months. Dormant grass still requires watering to stay alive, and you will want to pay close attention to any pests or diseases that might occur. Enjoy the slower season of lawn care because spring will arrive quickly enough.

If you're in Pensacola this Winter, learn how Pensacola Lawn Care can take care of your lawn!

Photo Source: Pixabay