Austin Relaxes Water Restrictions

leaf with water drops

Austin, TX, has loosened its water restrictions.

On May 18, City Manager Marc Ott announced Austin now is in the “conservation” stage for water use, down from Stage 2. Austin had been under Stage 2 water restrictions for nearly four years. The city has five stages of water restrictions, with “conservation” being the lowest and Stage 4 being the highest.

Earlier this year, city officials had considered making once-a-week watering permanent under Stage 2 restrictions. Bumping Austin down to the “conservation” stage offers greater flexibility for watering lawns and washing cars.

“The changes are a result of lessons learned during the recent drought,” the city says in a news release, “and considerations for future demand and water supply challenges.”

Under the “conservation” stage, residential and commercial customers using portable sprinklers will be given two designated watering days each week. Customers with automatic irrigation systems may water on a designated day during the week but also may water on a specified weekend day using a portable sprinkler.

Designated watering days are determined by street address, while drip, hand-held, and tree and vegetable irrigation continue to be allowed anytime.

LawnStarter makes it easy for homeowners to order lawn service.  The company services Austin, Pflugerville, Round Rock, and Cedar Park.

Top photo: Flickr/Amarpreet K


John Egan

John Egan is the former editor in chief of Now, he is a freelance writer extraordinaire. He lives in Austin, Texas.