Clean up, get rid of weeds, and mow. Dethatch, aerate, and fertilize. Wait two weeks, then overseed. Watch out for common lawn diseases.
Category: Virginia
12 Virginia Native Plants
Virginia native plants like Joe-Pye weed and buttonbush evolved to survive in Virginia’s climate. Here are the 12 best Virginia native plants for your home.
13 Common Weeds in Virginia: How to Identify and Control Them
Virginia is the Mother of Presidents. It birthed eight presidents, was the home of four of the first five presidents, […]
Best Grass Seeds for Virginia
Much of Virginia is in the transition zone, so warm-season and cool-season grasses are options. Virginia Tech says tall fescue is a favorite.
5 Worst Trees to Plant in Richmond
The Richmond area is lucky to have an abundance of amazing, native trees and experts to help care for them. […]
The Most-Destructive Invasive Pests in Richmond
The Richmond area is blessed with a climate that promises plenty of warmth, rain, and a long growing season. But […]
How, When to Prune Your Trees in Virginia Beach
Pruning may not top your list of favorite landscaping activities, but it’s a vital part of caring for your trees. […]
Bugs You Shouldn’t Kill in Richmond
At first glance, bugs might not seem like something you would want in your yard or garden, but you should […]
6 Best Native Trees for Richmond
When you think of best native trees to plant in Richmond you might want a list … or maybe two […]
Low-Maintenance Landscaping Ideas for Richmond
A thick, green lawn or crowded, intricate landscaping with trees, hedges and flowering perennials — a backyard in Richmond can […]