5 Grass Types for Lawns in Omaha, NE

Unfortunately for many lawn owners, Omaha, Nebraska experiences volatile weather patterns from year to year. With a growing season that can vary from 117 days to 217 days in a year, it can be quite difficult to decide on a turfgrass that is best suited for your lawn. While shade amount is incredibly important for grass growth, the growing season itself can actually impact your yard more. The next time you’re renovating your lawn or finding the best grass to fill in those dirt patches, check out these grass types for Omaha. Your lawn will be looking greener and healthier than ever before.

1. Bentgrass

Many Bentgrass varieties can actually be found on golfing greenways across the country. Bentgrass hybrids also become more aggressive in their spread due to specific breeding practices. They require only moderate fertilization and watering

Depending on soil temperatures, germination can begin quickly within 7 to 15 days, making it perfect for overseeding purposes or for quick lawn establishment. Simply apply 1 to 2 pounds of nitrogen only fertilizer per 1000 square feet per year and mow to shorter lengths than most other turfgrasses.

Mow Height: 1/4 to ½ of an inch

2. Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky Bluegrass is a cool-season grass commonly used in many areas all over the United States. Bluegrass turf grows in very quickly. It's also mildly shade tolerant, only requiring 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. This grass does tend to brown, however, if it's exposed to too much daily sunlight or too much heat.

So during those hot summer months, make sure you're watering your bluegrass early in the morning. The soil needs to be slightly moist. Watering will also ensure your lawn maintains its deep green color.

Mowing Height: 2 to 2.5 inches

3. Tall Fescues

Tall fescues can be some of the hardiest green turf grasses able to fully grow in Nebraska. These grasses are perfect for lawns that receive anywhere from 6 to 8 hours of direct daily sunlight and have a higher shade tolerance than most bluegrasses.

Tall fescues tend to feature darker green colors with narrow blades, and can be quite resistant to heat and drought. Try planting your fescues after the last frost in April or in early fall so germination can occur within 21 to 30 days.

Mowing Height: 2 to 3 inches

4. Buffalograss

Buffalo grasses may be the best option for a drought intolerant lawn, for any yard that receives the maximum amount of daily sunlight exposure possible. Buffalo grass is a warm season grass, usually used in more southern areas because of its reliance on heat.

This heat reliance has a downside. It causes buffalo grasses to grow slowly in areas like Omaha, leaving them vulnerable to weed growth for longer periods of time than other grasses.

But once a healthy buffalograss turf is established, little maintenance is required for this turf to keep its green healthy look. It only requires a few fertilizing applications at the end of spring and beginning of fall to allow for it to maintain its color in its off seasons.

Mowing Height: 3 to 4 inches

5. Annual Ryegrass

Ryegrasses are perfect for quick lawn patch fixes and lawn establishment. Their germination period is only 14 to 21 days long. Annual Ryegrasses also have strong tolerance against heat, cold, drought, shade, and general wear and tear. However, they do not maintain as beautiful of a green coat as many other turf grasses do.

But this also makes them better for overseeding jobs. Try planting these seeds in the fall for the best and quickest results, bringing green color into your lawn before the first frost of the season hits in October.

Mowing Height: 2 to 2.5 inches

Need help preparing your lawn? Visit our Omaha lawn care page to get in touch with a professional!