Mid-August through mid to late September is the best time to plant cool-season grass seed in Cedar Rapids. During this time, there is less weed competition, and the warm days and cool nights provide an ideal environment for rapid germination and seed growth while the soil is still warm.
Best Time to Plant Grass Seed in Cedar Rapids
Photo Credit: VSPYCC / Flickr / CC BY 2.0
The best time to plant cool-season grass seed in Cedar Rapids is mid-August to mid/late September (though mid-August is ideal). Late summer planting is preferred to spring seeding because seeds germinate and grow rapidly in the warm, moist soil, and there is less weed competition.
Note: Buy your seed early, and aim for August 15th as the target date for optimal seeding.
Second Best Time to Plant Grass Seed in Cedar Rapids
If you missed the ideal time for seeding in late summer, you can attempt to plant grass seed in the spring. However, it’s not recommended unless you have a sprinkler system and are prepared to fight off crabgrass and other summer annual weeds in Iowa.
Note: Check out our article, “How to Plant and Grow Grass Seed,” for more information.
Best Time to Overseed in Cedar Rapids
Mid-August until mid/late September is the ideal time to overseed your cool-season lawn in Cedar Rapids, though mid-August is preferred. Cool-season grass seeds root best when the soil temperatures are still warm (50 to 65 F), which corresponds to around 60 to 75 F daytime air temperatures.
Best Grass for Cedar Rapids
The best grass options for Cedar Rapids lawns are tall fescue or a combination of Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass. In shaded areas, fine fescues are ideal. While tall fescue is typically best suited for central and southern Iowa, Kentucky bluegrass is well-suited for the entire state.
Note: Since Iowa lawns comprise cool-season grasses, buying cool-season turfgrass seed for your Cedar Rapids lawn is important for optimal success. If you want to learn more, look at our article: “Best Grass Seed for Iowa Lawns.”
What are Some Lawn Care Tips for Iowa Lawns?
As an Iowa homeowner, lawn care can be overwhelming and confusing. There is so much to do, from fertilization to seeding and everything in between. Check out some of our lawn care tips below:
- Fertilization: This can be done at the same time as seeding for both established and new lawns.
- Spring seeding: It is not advisable to plant cool-season grass seed in the spring unless you plan and install an irrigation system for your lawn.
- Fall seeding: Shoot for mid-August to mid/late September (the earlier, the better). Successful planting may still occur until late September, but ideal conditions start to diminish after mid-September, depending on the weather.
Note: Confused about what comes first and how to coordinate your Iowa lawn care duties? Don’t stress. We’ve got you covered in our article: “Lawn Care Schedule for Iowa.”
Can You Aerate and Overseed at the Same Time?
Yes. You should aerate first and then overseed second. Why? Aerating first will open up the soil to allow water and nutrients to penetrate the ground. Then, use a drop seeder to put down the seeds into the newly opened holes created by the core aerator.
To learn the ins-and-outs of aeration, our article, “The Best Time to Aerate Your Lawn in Cedar Rapids,” covers the details.
Can You Reseed if You Have Grubs?
Yes. Consider reseeding your lawn and applying grub treatments (grub preventers or grub killers, depending on the time of year) simultaneously. Doing both won’t have any negative impact on the grass seed, and you’ll also get rid of the grubs.
Note: For more information on grub control and when to apply preventive or control measures, refer to our article: “Grub Control Guide for Cedar Rapids.”
Call in the Pros
Still trying to figure out which cool-season grass is best, when to plant it, and how to carry out all the necessary steps? Don’t worry: Hire a LawnStarter pro to take care of everything for you. Then, you can head out for some mouth-watering Iowa Chop without any worries.
Main Image Credit: dean / Adobe Stock Free / License