Identify and treat discolored spots in your lawn right away with fungicides or through biological disease control.
Backyard Bites: Best Cities to Buy Local Food
Where in America can locavores easily shop local for farm-fresh food? Discover 2024’s Best Cities to Buy Local Food.
16 Most Common Lawn Weeds in New Jersey
The most common lawn weeds in New Jersey include broadleaf, grassy, and sedge weeds. Learn to identify and control them.
How Much Does Lawn Care Cost in Salinas?
Lawn care service in Salinas ranges from $110 to $475, depending on factors like the lawn’s size, type of service, and condition of your lawn.
12 Best Native Plants for Your San Francisco Landscape
Common yarrow, California poppy, manzanita, bush anemone, and toyon are some of the best native plants for your San Francisco landscape.
Lawn Care Schedule for Salinas
Salinas lawn care schedules vary by cool and warm season grass type, but they both include watering, mowing, fertilization, aeration, dethatching, and more.
5 Best Grass Seeds and Sod for the Bay Area
Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, and Bermudagrass are the best grasses for the Bay Area.
2024’s Best Cities for Picnic Lovers
Which U.S. cities are the best for spreading out your picnic blanket and enjoying a meal outdoors? Check out 2024’s Best Cities for Picnic Lovers.
Unleashing 2024’s Most Dog-Friendly Cities
Which cities have the most puppy love for our canine companions? Unleash 2024’s Most Dog-Friendly Cities.
Common California Weeds
Bluegrass, crabgrass, bermudagrass, dandelions, common chickweed, and white clover are some common California weeds. Learn to identify them.