Pest Control Employment and Earnings Statistics

Wage, Salary, and Hourly Earnings Stats

Curated by Alan LaFrance
Published 1/12/2019

These statistics are curated from a United States Dept. of Labor Report, sourced below. The figures are the most up-to-date data available at the time of publishing, or the last update date, whichever is present.

According to the US Dept. of Labor, pest control workers

Total Yearly Pay, Wages, or Salary

Average Yearly Wage $36,610
Average Yearly Wage vs US Average -27.68%

Pest Control Hourly Pay

Median Hourly Wage $16.39
Average Hourly Wage $17.60

Highest Pest Control Hourly Wages

Top 10% of Earners Hourly Wage $26.48
Top 25% of Earners Hourly Wage $21.10
Top 10% of Earners Annual Wage $55,080
Top 25% of Earners Annual Wage $43,890

Highest Paying Industry (Avg) Fed. Exec. Branch
HPI Hourly Average Wage $26.50
HPI Annual Average Wage $55,110

Pest Control Employment Stats

Workers 75,130
Percent of Total US Workers 0.05%
Future Job Forecast Up 8% (6,500 Jobs)

Top 3 Industries by Employment

  1. Building & Dwelling Services
  2. Local Government
  3. Building Maintenance

Top 5 States by Employment

  1. California (10,030 Employed)
  2. Florida (10,020 Employed)
  3. Texas (6,680 Employed)
  4. Georgia (4,320 Employed)
  5. North Carolina (3,560 Employed)

Pest Control Employment by State

Landscaping Workers Employed by State Map

Highest Paying States

  1. Massachusetts ($47,280)
  2. Washington ($44,050)
  3. District of Columbia ($43,830)
  4. Nevada ($43,740)
  5. Iowa ($42,250)

Pest Control Wages by State

Landscaping Workers Wages by State Map

Top 5 Metros / Cities by Employment

  1. New York City, NY (24,260 Employed)
  2. Los Angeles, CA (17,930 Employed)
  3. Chicago, IL (16,640 Employed)
  4. Houston, TX (16,070 Employed)
  5. Atlanta, GA (14,830 Employed)

Pest Control Employment by Metro / City

Landscaping Workers Employed by Metro Map

Highest Paying Metros / Cities

  1. Santa Rosa, CA ($25.59 / $53,230)
  2. San Jose, CA ($24.74 / $51,460)
  3. San Francisco, CA ($24.04 / $50,010)
  4. Killeen, TX ($22.98 / $47,790)
  5. Newark, NJ ($22.95 / $47,730)

Pest Control Worker Wages by Metro / City

Landscaping Workers Wages by Metro

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Bureau of Labor Statistics – May 2017 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates


Alan LaFrance