Spring Lawn Care Tips for Homeowners in Minneapolis, MN

Minneapolis MN Home and Lawn

When spring hits the lawns of Minneapolis, MN, there’s some preparation you will need to do to acquire the lush green grass of summer. There’s usually a long list of tasks which to prepare you for summer fun in your yard. There’s the clean-up of debris from the long winter months, checking out what condition your turf is in after the winter, and making any needed repairs. Here are some spring lawn care tips to ensure a healthy summer lawn in Minneapolis.

Yard Clean Up Lawn Care Tips

Clean up

First, rake all the sticks, dead leaves, trash, dog waste and other debris out of your yard. Evaluate the lawn for any bare or brown spots for snow mold damage. Repair any flat spots and even out any areas of the yard which are high to avoid being scalped by the mower.


Foot traffic, pets at play and even children can cause the ground to become compacted. If your soil is compacted, you’ll want to aerate next. When the soil is dense and hard, then water can’t be adequately absorbed. Dense soil also prevents air from getting into the ground which will restrict proper root growth. This will make your grass unhealthy, and it won’t grow properly.


Dead and living grassroots plus stems accumulate in your lawn and can choke new growth. When you remove thatch, it will let your grass breathe and help to encourage your grass to grow into the lush green lawn that you want. Power raking can be tricky, so you may want to look into a lawn service company to help with this.

Using lime to bring your soil to a neutral pH level because grass doesn’t like acidity. However, liming is a slow process so don’t expect a quick rise in your pH levels.

Push Mower Lawn Care Tips

via Martin Cathrae / Flickr


If you mow weekly, it can help to keep your lawn beautiful and at its peak. A yard in Minnesota looks its best and stays healthy when its keep at the height of 2-3 inches high. When grass is kept longer, the leaves will contribute to building a robust root system which goes deep. This will help to resist the dry conditions of summer and maintains an even appearance after being mowed.


Once you’ve prepared your lawn for springtime you’ll want to start an adequate watering schedule. Depending on the weather, you may have to supply about 1-1.5 inches of water to start off the season. Use an automatic sprinkler system, an irrigation system, or a hose to keep your lawn green. Other considerations for watering are the type of grass and the condition of your soil.

Another critical thing to remember is to keep your runoff under control. Runoff can funnel into streets and alleys. It then can be swept into storm drains which dumps into creeks, lakes, and rivers. Here are some ways to keep your runoff out of the water tables.
• Pick up the trash from your yard, sidewalk and the street in front of your home and dispose of it properly. Also, remove pet waste from your yard and place it a garbage bag and place it in the trash for disposal.
• Make sure that your downspouts are directed away from the paved surfaces and house. Directing the water onto your lawn will help with keeping your lawn watered.
• If using lawn care products which contain pesticides, always read and follow the directions. Too, dispose of lawn care containers according to the instructions. If your ground is still frozen, don’t apply any lawn care products, wait until the grass starts to grow.
• If any lawn care products fall on the driveway, sidewalk or street, sweep it up and reuse it instead of letting it lie there. If it lies there, then it can get swept into the storm drains during rainstorms.

Keeping your grass green and healthy is easier when you get a head start in the spring. For more information about caring for your lawn, visit our Minneapolis lawn care page!

Feature image source: Zillow


Lisa Rodriguez