Guide to Common Grass Types in New Haven, CT

In New Haven, it can be challenging to deal with all of the challenges that our harsh winters present. From feet of snow to shovel to damaging winds and ice, your lawn can take a severe beating during the colder months.

It would help if you didn't have to deal with a lackluster lawn when the weather turns warmer. It is possible to grow a verdant, luxurious lawn in this beautiful city, although you do need to pay more attention to the type of grass you are planting. Cool-season grasses tend to grow best, as they can withstand some harsh winter conditions. Here are our picks for the best grass types to grow on any lawn in New Haven.

1. Tall Fescue

Mowing height: 3 ½ to 4 inches
Light requirements: Shade tolerant
Moisture requirements: Prefers infrequent but deep watering

This cold-season grass has high heat tolerance, making it a good pick for areas with unpredictable and drastic swings in temperatures. It is heat, drought, and shade tolerant, and is resistant to most diseases. This grass is not ideal as a landscaping option for high-traffic areas when grown in bunches. However, this grass requires much less fertilizer than other varieties, like Kentucky Bluegrass, and can help to produce a beautiful, healthy lawn.

2. Perennial Ryegrass

Mowing height: 1 ½ to 2 ½ inches
Light requirements: Full sun to partial shade
Moisture requirements: Drought-tolerant

This grass grows best when presented with cold weather, and produces rapidly. It is one of the first grass types to green up in the spring and can deal with any soil. This low-maintenance grass germinates quickly and is resistant to most species of insects and disease. If you are planting grass in a high-traffic, sunny area with less than ideal soil, perennial ryegrass should be your go-to choice.

3. Kentucky Bluegrass

Mowing height:1 ½ to 3 ½ inches
Light requirements: Can tolerate shade
Moisture requirements: High

This favorite grass type grows well in the extreme cold and can handle some level of foot traffic. With a fine texture and a dense growing pattern, this grass type is best when planted in conjunction with other types of grass. It is slow to green up in the spring, and seeds can take a while to establish. While this type of grass is one of the most attractive and cold tolerant of them all, it does require more fertilizer and water than similar variants.

4. Fine Fescue

Mowing height: 2 to 2 ½ inches
Light requirements: Shade tolerant
Moisture requirements: Low

Also known as creeping red fescue, this grass is much softer than tall fescue and establishes quickly. This grass type is ideal for cold locations but is also drought-tolerant. It does not tolerate heavy foot-traffic but can handle being in a bit of shade.

5. Zoysiagrass

Mowing height: 2 inches
Light requirements: Full sunlight
Moisture requirements: Drought-tolerant

Zoysiagrass is the only warm-season grass on the list because it is the only warm-season grass that can grow reliably in Connecticut. This grass consists of thick leaves covered with stiff hairs. It turns brown in the fall after the first frost and stays so until the spring. While this is an excellent option for a summer residence, it is not ideal in a location where you will have to stare at its discoloration throughout the rest of the year.

6. Poa Supina grass

Mowing height: ½ inch to 1 ½ inch
Light requirements: Shade tolerant
Moisture requirements: Moderate

Poa Supina grass has adapted to the cold temperatures of the German and Austrian Alps. This grass stands up well in areas of heavy traffic and is frequently found on golf courses, lawns, and athletic turf. This grass can easily tolerate shade and holds up well over the years.

If you reside in New Haven, learn more about how Grand Rapids Lawn Care can take care of your lawn needs this summer!

Photo Source: Google Images