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Top Porterdale, GA Landscaping Services of June 2024

We have reviewed local businesses across 4 different categories to come up with the best landscaping companies in Porterdale, GA. These 10 businesses scored the highest points across the 4 categories: professionalism, experience, reliability and reputation. LawnStarter is not affiliated with these businesses.

Review Criteria:

Experience Professionalism Reliability Reputation
Master Nursery Landscape Sup Logo
Master Nursery Landscape Sup
Mal Baeta -
serving Porterdale, GA
770-BAM-TREE, INC. is dedicated to providing top-quality tree service to residential and commercial locations in the Greater Metro Atlanta areas. Their specialty services include tree removal, tree trimming, stump grinding and emergency tree care.
Services offered:
βœ… Landscaping
⭐ 4.80 rating
πŸ‘₯ 17 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 20 yrs in business
Hunt Lawncare & Landscapi Logo
Hunt Lawncare & Landscapi
Wesley Hunt -
serving Porterdale, GA
Hunt Lawncare & Landscapi, founded in 2014, provides landscape solutions for residents in Covington and the surrounding area. The company provides landscaping, turf installation and shrub care. Past clients describe the company as friendly and customer focused.
Services offered:
βœ… Landscaping
⭐ 4.10 rating
πŸ‘₯ 1 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 6 yrs in business
Great Estates Logo
Great Estates
David West -
serving Porterdale, GA
Love your landscape with Great Estates. Their residential services include landscape maintenance and installation, turf care, lighting and mosquito control. One of their specialties is Christmas decor. Their specially trained holiday designers will get your yard festive in no time.
Services offered:
βœ… Landscaping
⭐ 4.20 rating
πŸ‘₯ 3 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 23 yrs in business
Georgia Landscaper Netwrk L Lc Logo
Georgia Landscaper Netwrk L Lc
Wilbanks Blake -
serving Porterdale, GA
Georgia Landscaper Network is your metro Atlanta Georgia landscaping company that offers quality landscape products and services at an affordable price. Their services include tree and plant installation, sod delivery and installation, new sprinklers and repairs.
Services offered:
βœ… Landscaping
⭐ 4.70 rating
πŸ‘₯ 1 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 34 yrs in business
Conyers Lawn Care Logo
Conyers Lawn Care
Alan Paden -
serving Porterdale, GA
Conyers Lawn Care is a family-run company that provides landscaping services for residents and businesses of Covington, GA. Some of the landscaping jobs they can help with include turf maintenance, sod installation, bush trimming and sustainable landscaping. Past customers rate Conyers Lawn Care highly for trustworthiness and great pricing.
Services offered:
βœ… Landscaping
⭐ 4.40 rating
πŸ‘₯ 3 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 19 yrs in business
Goldens Landscape Services Logo
Goldens Landscape Services
James Golden -
serving Porterdale, GA
Since starting in 1984, Goldens Landscape Services has provided residents and small businesses of Covington with premium turf maintenance, turf installation, shrub trimming, shrub trimming and even wood chipping. Owner James Golden and his 8 landscapers are have a reputation for expertise, industry knowledge and fast turnaround.
Services offered:
βœ… Landscaping
⭐ 5.00 rating
πŸ‘₯ 8 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 36 yrs in business
Jcs Landscaping Llc Logo
Jcs Landscaping Llc
Jesus Ayala -
serving Porterdale, GA
If you need a flowerbed redone, grass cut, or bushes trimmed, Jesus with Jcs Landscaping Llc can help. The company has 21 years experience helping Covington residents with lawn care and landscaping issues, offering stump removal, turf installation, landscaping and much more.
Services offered:
βœ… Landscaping
⭐ 4.40 rating
πŸ‘₯ 30 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 21 yrs in business
Miller Properties & Landscaping Llc Logo
Miller Properties & Landscaping Llc
Amos Miller -
serving Porterdale, GA
Need your landscape improved? Miller Properties & Landscaping Llc, owned and run Amos Miller, is a gardening service located in Covington known for reliability. They provide homeowners and businesses with fairly priced landscaping, flowerbed maintenance, and bush trimming. Additionally the company offers xeriscaping as well.
Services offered:
βœ… Landscaping
⭐ 4.10 rating
πŸ‘₯ 2 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 17 yrs in business
Cmc Landscaping Inc Logo
Cmc Landscaping Inc
Jerry West -
serving Porterdale, GA
Cmc Landscaping Inc, started in 2010, provides lawn solutions for residents in Covington and nearby neighborhoods. The company provides landscaping, flowerbed maintenance and hedge trimming. Past clients often describe Cmc Landscaping Inc as friendly and customer focused.
Services offered:
βœ… Landscaping
⭐ 4.60 rating
πŸ‘₯ 3 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 10 yrs in business
Arienzo Brothers Landscaping Logo
Arienzo Brothers Landscaping
David Arienzo -
serving Porterdale, GA
Are you wanting to hire a professional lawn and landscape service? Arienzo Brothers Landscaping provides top notch flowerbed weeding, lawn care, stump grinding, and other lawn services all over Covington. If you need your lawn mowed, flowerbed installed, or hedges pruned, owner David and the 2 experts he works with can help. Arienzo Brothers Landscaping is known for experience and fast estimates.
Services offered:
βœ… Landscaping
⭐ 5.00 rating
πŸ‘₯ 1 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 18 yrs in business

Porterdale, GA - Jun 9, 2024
Porterdale Landscaping Facts

Demand for Landscaping by Month


Landscape Services & Avg Prices

Landscape Maintenance (monthly) $230
Landscape Design & Build $4,368
Built a Retaining Wall $5,035
Lawn Resod $1,674
Install a Pond $2,580
Install a French Drain $3,420
Contruct a Patio $4,066
Plant a Flowerbed $1,275
Xeriscape a Yard $11,520
Reslope a Lawn $1,530
Remove a Stump $252
Install a Stone Walkway $1,921

Recent Reviews

We encourage feedback from all customers to ensure we are delivering the best service possible.

Osiris V.'s Landscaping service result
"Both the front and the backyard look great. Thank you very much for your help today and we will see you next time"
Osiris V. - Mar 25, 2022 - Porterdale, GA
Anita A.'s Landscaping service result
"Great job! Very polite and professional!"
Anita A. - Mar 14, 2022 - Porterdale, GA
Genella P.'s Landscaping service result
"Prompt, efficient, and even the dogs have stopped pitching a fuss during the mowing. I have said it before and I will say it again: I need more Andres in my life."
Genella P. - Mar 02, 2022 - Porterdale, GA
Genella P.'s Landscaping service result
"As always, they came, they saw, they mowed (and ran the weedeater). Andre always stays in touch, which was very helpful during the recent bad weather and the prior holidays. I need more services as dependable and reasonably priced as Andre's these days."
Genella P. - Jan 21, 2022 - Porterdale, GA
Genella P.'s Landscaping service result
"I have still never met Andre, but he is my favorite person at this moment. The plumbing leaks, the trash piles up, the car breaks down but Andre shows up and the lawn is mowed, no muss, no fuss. I just wish my life had more Andres in it."
Genella P. - Nov 29, 2021 - Porterdale, GA
Steve J.'s Landscaping service result
"Yard looks very nice. Thank you Andre and crew."
Steve J. - Nov 28, 2021 - Porterdale, GA
"Awesome job!"
Stephanie S. - Nov 10, 2021 - Porterdale, GA
"Andre and his crew did an AWESOME job."
Donna M. - Oct 31, 2021 - Porterdale, GA
"Andre did a great job!"
Jacqueline M. - Oct 27, 2021 - Porterdale, GA
"I have never met Andre, but let me tell you about my new favorite lawn person. When I finally got off work and saw my lawn, I was floored. The grass was cut to an even height (don't get me started on the hacks who did the work before), everything had been edged right up to where it needed to be, and the blooming flowers at the edge of the house had been left alone. I am seeing parts of my lawn that others had just cut around for months. I am told they were in and out in an hour, and it is NOT a small lawn. I am very impressed."
Genella P. - Oct 25, 2021 - Porterdale, GA
"The lawn looks very neat clean cut! Thank you and great job!"
Monet M. - Oct 12, 2021 - Porterdale, GA
"The yard looks great thank you"
Steve J. - Sep 29, 2021 - Porterdale, GA
RoShanda M. - Aug 31, 2021 - Porterdale, GA
Landscaping by Andre Jefferson (3DM)
"Andre did a great job on my yard. Very pleased with his service."
Conqula M. - Aug 25, 2021 - Porterdale, GA
Landscaping by Andre Jefferson (3DM)
"Great. Looks excellent"
Samantha L. - Aug 22, 2021 - Porterdale, GA
Landscaping by Andre Jefferson (3DM)
"Andre was meticulous. He also communicated with me before the service, which I REALLY appreciate. I will most definitely be a returning customer."
Kena R. - Aug 20, 2021 - Porterdale, GA
Landscaping by Andre Jefferson (3DM)
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