Millsboro, DE lawn care service at the click of a button

The easy way to get lawn mowing and more from the top lawn pros in Millsboro.

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Why LawnStarter?

5 Minute Setup
View pricing, choose your options, and schedule service in 5 minutes or less.
Online Account Management
Payment, scheduling, feedback... all done through a convenient app.
All Services Covered
Lawn mowing, fertilization, bush trimming, weeding and more. We can do it all.
Fully Insured Professionals
You are covered. All LawnStarter pros are required to carry liability insurance.
Quality Service
We ask you to rate each service to make sure you are satisfied.
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Hundreds of Raving Reviews
Don't take our word for it... read our five star reviews on Google and Shopper Approved!

Why LawnStarter?

Feature LawnStarter Logo The Other
Lawn mowing, trimming, and edging. LawnStarter can do this Teh other guys can do this
Personalized service and quality results. LawnStarter can do this Teh other guys can do this
Offers fertilization, treatments, and cleanups. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Mobile app for ordering and payments. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Reliable scheduled service. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Customer support - phone, app, chat. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Change pros with the click of a button. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this

Happy customers all over Millsboro

Photo of Mike B.'s yard after getting lawn care in Millsboro, DE
Holy moly! My lawn hasn't looked this tidy and uncluttered in literally a year or more. Our multiple pecan trees are lovely but they litter the lawns with an unfathomable quantity of leaves and Lew and his partner were so fast and fastidious in raking and collecting and hauling off the mountain of leaves and branches they collected. They then mowed and weed whacked and clean up with a lawn blower and the result in a mere two hours is a lawn that looks tidy and uncluttered and lovely. I couldn't be happier!
Photo of Charlie P.'s yard after getting lawn care in Millsboro, DE
My lawn is greener and healthier than ever, so I certainly can tell that the fertilizer and weed treatments are working. The last thing that would really truly make me the happiest customer is to get rid of the crab grass that tends to grow around the edges of the lawn nearest the sidewalk in the front of the house. Other than that the lawn looks fantastic!
Photo of Amy R.'s yard after getting lawn care in Millsboro, DE
Excellent customer service and communication. Arrived promptly and did a fantastic job. Hard worker. Thank you!

Millsboro, DE - Jun 9, 2024
Local Lawn Care Facts & Resources

Lawn tip of the week

Did you know? There are approximately 50 million acres of grass in the United States. Approximately 21 million of those acres are in our front and back yards.

Popular Grass Types in Millsboro

Bermudagrass 33%
Centipedegrass 22%
Tall Fescue 10%
Zoysiagrass 10%
Kentucky Bluegrass 10%
Perennial Ryegrass 8%
Buffalograss 7%

Grass Cutting Height Preferences

Long (6-7 inches) 3%
Medium (4-5 inches) 16%
Short (2-3 inches) 80%

Lawn Care Facts

Average Customer Review 4.5 / 5.0
Weekly Cuts 27%
Biweekly Cuts 42%
Monthly Cuts 31%
Lawns Fertilized 15%
Lawns with Leaf Removal 12%
Aerated Lawns 6%
Yards with Cleanups 11%
Days That Are Sunny 75%

Take your lawn on the go.

An app for lawn care, seriously? You betcha! Stay up‑to‑date on your lawn wherever you go.

LawnStarter's Mobile App

Hire the Best Lawn Care Service in Millsboro

If you’ve ever been to the Delaware Botanic Gardens, you know how stunning the local landscape can be. You may wonder how you can get your Millsboro lawn to look just slightly as good as the gardens. With LawnStarter, you can. Our pros offer expert care for your lawn.

With Millsboro’s hot, humid summers and mild winters, your lawn requires hands-on care to ensure it thrives in the spring and survives the winter. LawnStarter’s pros are experienced and qualified to handle all your lawn challenges. They will mow, trim, and edge your lawn and shield it against potential threats.

You can explore the art exhibitions at Millsboro Art League or take the boat out on Indian River while our pros handle the yard work. Have a fun weekend and come how to a perfect lawn.

Here's what you need to know about lawn care in Millsboro:

Best Grass Types for Millsboro

In the humid climate of Southern Delaware, warm-season grasses perform better than cool-season varieties. But still, some heat-resistant cool-season cultivars can help keep a lawn green year-round.

  • Bermudagrass: This warm-season grass thrives in sunny and hot conditions and is known for its heat- and drought-tolerance. 
  • Zoysiagrass: Another warm-season option that develops a dense, carpet-like turf. It’s resistant to drought, pests, and heat. 
  • Centipedegrass: Low-maintenance and medium-textured, this warm-season variety is perfect for Millsboro lawns with acidic soils. 
  • Fescues: This cool-season grass is adaptable to various soil types and tolerates sun, drought, and shade with minimal maintenance needs.

How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn? We recommend mowing your warm-season grasses weekly from spring through fall and switching to bi-weekly mows when it gets cold. For cool-season grasses, mow every one to two weeks during spring and fall.

Common Lawn Pests and Diseases in Millsboro

Lawn pests and diseases can seriously damage your lawn. Some common nuisances to keep an eye out for are:

  • Chinch Bugs: These are small insects that eat grass blades and leave yellow and brown areas in lawns.
  • Grubs: Beetle larvae with an appetite for grassroots, these grubs will turn a green lawn into a patchy and sad-looking landscape.
  • Armyworms: These also feed on grass blades and cause irregular, large brown patches in lawns.
  • Dollar Spot: This is a fungal disease that creates silver, small dead spots in the grass the size of a silver dollar.
  • Brown Patch: Another fungal nuisance that creates brown grass patches, usually with a darker outer ring. 

Other Outdoor Services We Offer 

LawnStarter’s pros know that a great landscape is more than just a well-manicured lawn. Our other services to enhance your outdoor space include:

  • Tree and Shrub Care: Our pros will prune, trim, and provide effective disease control. 
  • Irrigation Maintenance: Create a water-wise, eco-friendly landscape and save your lawn (and money) with professional maintenance services. 
  • Seasonal Cleanup: Manage the seasonal shifts in Millsboro with affordable fall leaf removal or spring cleanup services. 

Whether you are located in Plantation Lakes or somewhere on the Peninsula on the Indian River Bay, LawnStarter makes it simple to book lawn care services. From tree pruning to soil amendments and irrigation, our pros have you covered. Call, click, or download our app today for free quotes.

Meet some of our Millsboro pros

 Profile Photo
Willow Creek Lawn Care specializes in keeping lawns well-manicured and aesthetically pleasing in Millsboro and surrounding areas. Serving residential clients in the area, the company boasts years of hands-on experience. Their services include mulching, weed control, grass seeding, shrub removal, and property maintenance.
Willow Creek Lawn Care
Millsboro, DE 19966
 Profile Photo
Djs Lawn and Landscape offers lawn care solutions for homes and businesses in Millsboro and nearby areas. From lawn mowing, trimming, and mulching to sod installation, spring and fall cleanups, and overseeding, the company is ready to help you. Other services include aeration, fertilization, weed control, and landscaping. Djs Lawn and Landscape provides brush clearing and removal, fencing, and power washing services.
Djs lawnandlandscape
Millsboro, DE 19966
 Profile Photo
New Creation Garden Care provides lawn care and maintenance services to residential and commercial customers in Millsboro and surrounding areas. They are experts in keeping lawns mowed and well-manicured. Other services they provide include landscape design and installation, hardscaping, and irrigation services. Locally owned and operated, they guarantee customer satisfaction.
New Creation Garden Care
Millsboro, DE 19966

Recent Reviews

We encourage feedback from all customers to ensure we are delivering the best service possible.

Cristina S.'s Lawn Mowing service result
"Thank you so much! It looks great"
Cristina S. - May 15, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
Lawn Mowing by
Leaf it to us Lawn Care
Elijah B.'s Lawn Mowing Service service result
"Great job"
Elijah B. - May 13, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
Lawn Mowing Service by
Willow Creek Lawn Care
Lo T.'s Yard Cutting service result
"Great job so glad they accommodated me on a Sunday"
Lo T. - May 12, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
Yard Cutting by
Willow Creek Lawn Care
Steve V.'s Lawn Service service result
"Good job"
Steve V. - May 06, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
Lawn Service by
New Creation Garden Care
Emory M.'s Lawn Service service result
"Very quick and thorough!"
Emory M. - Apr 17, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
Lawn Service by
Kevin's Property Maintenance
Stephen H.'s Lawn Mowing Service service result
"Yard looks great, thank you!"
Stephen H. - Apr 13, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
Lawn Mowing Service by
Kevin's Property Maintenance
"Looks great thank you"
Felix F. - Mar 14, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
Lawn Care by
Willow Creek Lawn Care
"Holy moly! My lawn hasn't looked this tidy and uncluttered in literally a year or more. Our multiple pecan trees are lovely but they litter the lawns with an unfathomable quantity of leaves and Lew and his partner were so fast and fastidious in raking and collecting and hauling off the mountain of leaves and branches they collected. They then mowed and weed whacked and clean up with a lawn blower and the result in a mere two hours is a lawn that looks tidy and uncluttered and lovely. I couldn't be happier!"
Mike B. - Feb 20, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
Lawn Service by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"Looks great. Greatly appreciated."
Nieves A. - Feb 20, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
"He arrived while I was at the house, and I briefed him on the flower bed and drain pipe issues from the previous job. His work was good, and we are pleased."
Roger D. - Feb 20, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
"My lawn is greener and healthier than ever, so I certainly can tell that the fertilizer and weed treatments are working. The last thing that would really truly make me the happiest customer is to get rid of the crab grass that tends to grow around the edges of the lawn nearest the sidewalk in the front of the house. Other than that the lawn looks fantastic!"
Charlie P. - Feb 20, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
"Wonderful job!!"
Temika H. - Feb 20, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
"He arrived while I was at the house, and I briefed him on the flower bed and drain pipe issues from the previous job. His work was good, and we are pleased."
Roger D. - Feb 20, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
Lawn Care
"Wonderful job!!"
Temika H. - Feb 20, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
Lawn Service
"Another fantastic job!!! I was here to watch them mow the lawn this time and I am still extremely impressed with how quick and efficient they were!!Our lawn looks even better than it did last time if that's possible!! And no I didn't over use the exclamation points I really am that excited about my amazing looking lawn."
Melissa J. - Jan 21, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
Lawn Mowing by Aditya Lutz (Lawn & Yard Companyy)
"Excellent customer service and communication. Arrived promptly and did a fantastic job. Hard worker. Thank you!"
Amy R. - Jan 21, 2024 - Millsboro, DE
Lawn Care by Aditya Lutz (Lawn & Yard Companyy)
Page: 1 / 6

Service Recommendations in Millsboro

LawnStarter pros will let you know what your lawn needs. Here are some recent recommendations for lawn care services in Millsboro, DE.

Pro Recommendation for Flowerbed Mulching

Location Icon
Location: Millsboro, DE
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 4,791 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $189.02
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Front yard, Left side, Right side I can put down plastic and mulch in the front yard on both sides of the porch. Also can put a boarder up on right side to keep mulch in.

Pro Recommendation for General Cleanup

Location Icon
Location: Millsboro, DE
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 12,693 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $182.93
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Full yard Clear all brush and fallen trees from yard-and side of home

Pro Recommendation for Flower Bed Weeding

Recommended by William H.
Location Icon
Location: Millsboro, DE
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 7,751 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $24.39
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Front yard Taking out all the weeds in the front flower beds and tree rings bagging it up and hauling it off.

The Lawntrepreneur Scholarship

The Lawntrepreneur Scholarship is our way of giving back to the up and coming young entrepreneurs in the Millsboro, DE area.

Top Millsboro, DE Lawn Services of June 2024

Willow Creek Lawn Care
Millsboro, DE 19966
(78 Ratings)
Great job so glad they accommodated me on a Sunday
Fox Landscaping Corp
Millsboro, DE 19966
(21 Ratings)
Established in 1994, Fox Landscaping Corp is dedicated to creating and maintaining healthy, beautiful lawns in Millsboro and surrounding areas. From weed control to mowing and edging, they perform the necessary maintenance to keep properties looking great. Every member of their team is dedicated to providing excellent service and keeping their lawn care rates reasonable, competitive, and affordable. Other services they provide include hardscaping, landscaping, irrigation systems, weed control, and more. The company has received an A-plus rating from the BBB. Additionally, the company provides ongoing contract services or one-time projects.
Kevin's Property Maintenance
Millsboro, DE 19966
(27 Ratings)
Yard looks great, thank you!
Hannum's Lawn Maintenance
Millsboro, DE 19966
(40 Ratings)
Established by Williams H. in 2017, Hannum's Lawn Maintenance is committed to providing high-quality lawn care services in Millsboro and surrounding areas. Their services include lawn mowing, trimming, and edging. Locally owned and operated, they pride themselves on providing reliable services and work hard to exceed customers’ expectations.
New Creation Garden Care
Millsboro, DE 19966
(102 Ratings)
Good job
Leaf it to us Lawn Care
Millsboro, DE 19966
(52 Ratings)
Thank you so much! It looks great
Coastal Cuts Lawn Service
Millsboro, DE 19966
(45 Ratings)
Coastal Cuts Lawn Service is your trusted partner in making a healthy, lush lawn. This family-owned company offers a wide range of lawn care services for residential and commercial properties in Millsboro and the rest of Sussex County. Coastal Cuts Lawn Service provides discounts for senior citizens and military personnel.
Djs lawnandlandscape
Millsboro, DE 19966
(42 Ratings)
Djs Lawn and Landscape offers lawn care solutions for homes and businesses in Millsboro and nearby areas. From lawn mowing, trimming, and mulching to sod installation, spring and fall cleanups, and overseeding, the company is ready to help you. Other services include aeration, fertilization, weed control, and landscaping. Djs Lawn and Landscape provides brush clearing and removal, fencing, and power washing services.

Neighborhoods we service in Millsboro, DE

Holiday Pines
Longwood Lakes
Mill Landing
Oak Orchard
Plantation Lakes
Pot Nets Creekside
Pot Nets Lakeside
Rehoboth Shores
River Village
Robin Hoods Loop
Shark's Tooth Drive
Stonewater Creek
The Placeaza
Warwick Park
Wiley Branch Road

Zip Codes


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