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Top Denham Springs, LA Tree Care Services of June 2024

We have reviewed local businesses across 4 different categories to come up with the best tree care companies in Denham Springs, LA. These 10 businesses scored the highest points across the 4 categories: professionalism, experience, reliability and reputation. LawnStarter is not affiliated with these businesses.

Review Criteria:

Experience Professionalism Reliability Reputation
Toro Tree Experts Llc Logo
Toro Tree Experts Llc
Tony Robins -
serving Denham Springs, LA
Toro Tree Experts Llc provides expert hedge trimming, stump grinding, tree transplants, and other tree management services in Baton Rouge and neighboring areas. If you need trees maintained, shrubs pruned, or a branch removed, owner Tony Robins and his2 employees he can help out. Toro Tree Experts Llc is lauded for friendliness and fast turnaround.
Services offered:
βœ… Tree Care
⭐ 4.50 rating
πŸ‘₯ 2 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 4 yrs in business
Lightning Tree Co Inc Logo
Lightning Tree Co Inc
serving Denham Springs, LA
The experience and knowledge gained from 30 years in the tree service business allows Lightning Tree Co. to provide high quality service in all aspects of tree care, from removal to cabling. They work in the Baton Rouge, Livingston and Ascension Parish areas.
Services offered:
βœ… Tree Care
βœ… Tree Trimming
πŸ‘₯ 2 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 28 yrs in business
Marathon Tree Service Inc Logo
Marathon Tree Service Inc
serving Denham Springs, LA
To better serve customers in the Baton Rouge area, the owner of Marathon Tree service has been certified as an arborist both within Louisiana and by the International Society of Arboriculture. His crew can trim, prune, or remove trees in addition to providing lightning protection and other services.
Services offered:
βœ… Tree Care
βœ… Tree Trimming
πŸ‘₯ 3 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 40 yrs in business
H & O Investments Llc Logo
H & O Investments Llc
serving Denham Springs, LA
H&O Grounds operates in the Baton Rouge area and provides comprehensive landscaping design, installation, and maintenance services. They work on hardscapes, pools, and irrigation systems, and can provide lawn care, insect and weed control, and can plant seasonal flowers.
Services offered:
βœ… Tree Care
βœ… Tree Trimming
πŸ‘₯ 23 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 16 yrs in business
Cypress Stted Tree Stump Rmvel Logo
Cypress Stted Tree Stump Rmvel
David W Roppolo -
serving Denham Springs, LA
Looking to have your trees trimmed? Cypress Stted Tree Stump Rmvel, owned and operated David Roppolo, is a tree care company based in Baton Rouge known for expertise. They provide residents with expert basic tree care, shrub pruning, and emergency service. In addition the organization provides insect management in certain instances.
Services offered:
βœ… Tree Care
⭐ 4.90 rating
πŸ‘₯ 3 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 28 yrs in business
Donald P Decell Logo
Donald P Decell
Don P Decell -
serving Denham Springs, LA
The greater Baton Rouge area has been served by Mr. D's Tree Service for more than 40 years. Their team includes a certified arborist and a crew that can handle tree trimming, removal and fertilization services.
Services offered:
βœ… Tree Care
⭐ 4.70 rating
πŸ‘₯ 1 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 36 yrs in business
Arbor Tech Tree Service Inc Logo
Arbor Tech Tree Service Inc
serving Denham Springs, LA
Since 1994, Arbor Tech Tree Service has grown from a one truck service to a comprehensive tree care company serving all of Baton Rouge and the surrounding areas. They provide trimming, tree removal, stump grinding, and debris hauling services in a professional and courteous manner.
Services offered:
βœ… Tree Care
βœ… Tree Trimming
πŸ‘₯ 7 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 24 yrs in business
Biggz Tree Services Llc Logo
Biggz Tree Services Llc
serving Denham Springs, LA
A specialization in tree risk management means that Biggz Professional Tree Care can diagnose and treat disease and decay in trees and provide plans for their preservation, as well as offer traditional trimming and maintenance services around the Baton Rouge area.
Services offered:
βœ… Tree Care
βœ… Tree Trimming
πŸ‘₯ 4 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 10 yrs in business
Rickey Vincent Tree Surgery Logo
Rickey Vincent Tree Surgery
Rickey Vincent -
serving Denham Springs, LA
Fully licensed and insured for both demolition work and tree service in the Baton Rouge area, Tree Surgery by Ricky Vincent/Vincent Industries Demolition can handle all of the most dangerous jobs in the area. Whether a tree needs to be removed or a building needs to be taken down, they are available to help.
Services offered:
βœ… Tree Care
⭐ 4.50 rating
πŸ‘₯ 1 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 18 yrs in business
Capital City Tree Llc Logo
Capital City Tree Llc
serving Denham Springs, LA
Using advanced equipment and the most effective tree service techniques, Capital City Tree Care can prune, trim, and remove trees, instigate plant health care programs, control pests and diseases inside the tree, and provide emergency storm services in Baton Rouge.
Services offered:
βœ… Tree Care
βœ… Tree Trimming
πŸ‘₯ 6 employees
πŸ—“οΈ 20 yrs in business

Denham Springs, LA - Jun 9, 2024
Denham Springs Tree Care Facts

Demand for Tree Service by Month


Tree Services & Avg Pricing

Tree Trimming (Small) $130
Tree Trimming (Medium) $436
Tree Trimming (Large) $808
Tree Removal (Small) $343
Tree Removal (Medium) $784
Tree Removl (Large) $2,052
Stump Grinding $258
Strub Trimming (one time) $85
Strub Trimming (Quarterly) $93
Shrub Trimming (monthly) $82

Recent Reviews

We encourage feedback from all customers to ensure we are delivering the best service possible.

"Once again another great job Thank you"
Bill P. - Dec 09, 2021 - Denham Springs, LA
"Good work thank u"
Lizette W. - Nov 18, 2021 - Denham Springs, LA
"Cut nice"
Dave T. - Aug 27, 2021 - Denham Springs, LA
"Mr. Quincey has the gift for luxury detailing and edging and finer points of landscape beauty. He never misses a spot. This is clear indication of a 'SEER" ability, a special feel for the craft because the naked eye or the human eye could not possibly spot every inch of a landscape. He does great work every single time."
Alice W. - Aug 23, 2021 - Denham Springs, LA
"Lawn service is good"
Janifer B. - Aug 08, 2021 - Denham Springs, LA
"This group does a tremendous job! So quick and such care!"
Katie D. - Jul 24, 2021 - Denham Springs, LA
"Great Job Thanks!"
Amy M. - Jul 21, 2021 - Denham Springs, LA
"I love Brent's dependability. My yard always looks great!"
Sandra L. - Jul 13, 2021 - Denham Springs, LA
"Thank you! Looks good"
Amy M. - Jul 09, 2021 - Denham Springs, LA
"Brent is really amazing!! Thank you for your hard work."
Shannon C. - Jun 30, 2021 - Denham Springs, LA
"Way better than the crew before."
Shelby D. - Jun 29, 2021 - Denham Springs, LA
"Excellent service, amazing job!"
Katie D. - Jun 26, 2021 - Denham Springs, LA
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